
Countering the House Edge in Roulette

There is a significant house edge in the casino game of roulette. The casino expects to make about $50,000 for every dollar you bet and returns nine million dollars to you. The casino wants to keep you from losing money, but it also doesn’t want to drive you broke. There are several ways to counter the house edge. The first is to avoid letting the time control you. For example, casinos are notorious for not having clocks or windows in their establishments, which makes it easy to forget what time it is. A common tip for first-timers is that management often provides free drinks to help them pass the hour. However, if you become intoxicated, you’re unlikely to have better judgment when you place your bets.


In the late 1990s, casinos began using computers and video cameras to monitor gambling activities. “Chips tracking” is a technique that uses microcircuitry in betting chips to track wagers minute-by-minute. Even roulette wheels are monitored for statistical deviations to prevent cheating. The casino’s staff is trained to keep an eye on all players. This way, the casino can make sure every player is playing fairly. During this time, the popularity of Las Vegas casinos was boosted by the free buffets and show tickets. The strategy was centered on getting as many people as possible to stay in the casinos. That way, the casino’s revenue would be boosted by filling the hotel rooms.

The use of technology has helped casinos in many ways. Video cameras and computers are now routinely used to supervise casino games. The use of chip tracking, which involves betting chips with microcircuitry, enables the casino to keep track of wagers minute-by-minute. In addition, roulette wheels are also routinely monitored for statistical deviations. Furthermore, some casinos offer free drinks and cigarettes to big bettors to increase their revenue. The latest technologies in the casino industry will help casinos make their operations run more efficiently.