
The Basics of Poker


In poker, the highest-ranked hand wins. This is usually accomplished by having two distinct pairs of cards and one higher card. If there are ties, the high-ranked pair wins. If there are no ties, the high-ranked card breaks the tie. Another rule is that the higher-ranking hand always wins. A straight or better than a pair also beats the high-ranked hand, and a king is always better than an ace.

The betting structure in poker is based on the number of players. The number of players determines how much money is placed in the pot. The more players, the higher the stakes. In games with seven or more people, the house usually supplies the chips. A white chip is the lowest value of the chips, while a red chip is worth five whites. The blue chip is worth two, four, or five reds. Generally, players “buy in” by purchasing poker chips, and raise only during betting rounds.

In addition to the chips that players place into the pot, players may establish a kitty. This fund is created by cutting low-denomination chips from every pot in which more than one player raises. The kitty belongs to all players, and it is used to buy new decks of cards and food. The kitty chips are divided up among players who are still in the game. If a player leaves the game before the game is over, he or she will not get their share of the ‘kitty’.