
What Is a Slot?


A slot is a narrow opening that is typically narrower than its surrounding area. It is often used for receiving things or as a position, such as on a coin. Slots can be found in many places, including a copy desk where the chief copy editor works. Certain birds have slots between the tips of their primaries that maintain smooth airflow. A slot is also an area that is not marked on an airplane’s wing to allow air to flow over it more easily.

Computers with slots are able to accommodate a wide range of peripherals. A popular option is a memory expansion card. These cards offer an additional specialized capability to a computer. Virtually all desktop computers are designed to have expansion slots, allowing them to be expanded in the future. While this option may seem like a good investment, it’s not for everyone. A slot isn’t just a fun way to pass time – it can also increase your bankroll.

If you’ve ever been to a post office, you’ve probably been inside a slot. These grooves or openings allow you to insert a letter or piece of mail into one of these slots. In fact, slots are a great way to manage air traffic at busy airports. And since they’re convenient to use, they also save time for passengers. That way, you’ll always know when you’ll have a slot available when you need it.