After the “flop”, the dealer shows all five cards. Each player now has seven cards total, which consist of two personal cards and five community cards. Once everyone has been dealt their cards, they must analyze them to determine the best hands to make. If necessary, players can draw replacement cards. These replacement cards are often drawn during or after the betting round. The professional games, however, do not include this exchange. Therefore, players must follow the written laws of Poker.

The game is almost always played with poker chips, and it is customary for games with seven or more players to supply them. There are two basic types of chips: a blue chip, worth two, four, or five reds, and a white chip, worth one. All players “buy in” by purchasing a chip, usually the same amount. If you are an experienced player, you can choose to play as the dealer for the entirety of the game.

The betting rounds in Poker may include several betting rounds, during which the players develop their poker hands. Each round represents a separate amount of chips, but it is a general rule that all players contribute to the pot. Players don’t place their bets into the pot directly, but instead, bets are placed toward it until the round ends. The chips are collected into the pot at the end of the round. This is called the “pot limit.”