

The Basics of Poker

A game of Poker is similar to many other card games. Players receive a full set of cards and can bet accordingly. For games with fewer than five cards, three-card brags are common, as are two-card razz and spit-in-the-ocean. In…


How to Have Fun at the Casino

The best way to have fun at the Casino is to bring cash with you and only gamble with money that you can afford to lose. Leave bank cards at home and take only cash to the casino. Don’t borrow…


What’s So Special About Slot Machines?

You’ve probably heard of terms such as hammering a machine, hit and run, and triple-bet. You probably know these slang terms for a particular game, which is a term for betting max credits on a single payline slot. However, did…


A Basic Understanding of Poker

A basic understanding of poker involves betting. The pot is the amount of money that is shared among all players. During the betting round, one player has the right to ante up, or place money into the pot. The winner…


What Games Are Offered at a Casino?

The term “casino” has a broad definition, but is most commonly associated with a Las Vegas-style resort. However, the concept of the casino actually has its roots in Europe, with the first recognizable casino in the 17th century. The word…


What is a Slot?

The word Slot has many meanings. It’s a grammatical element that encapsulates a specific morpheme sequence. Examples include a job title and an interior opening in a copy desk. A chief copy editor occupies the slot at the Gazette. Another…


The Odds of Winning Poker

When playing Poker, the odds of winning the game depend on your hand. When you win the game, you’ll take home the entire pot, which is a sum of money placed into the game’s “pot” by players who ante up…


Security Measures at a Casino

A casino’s security measures are very thorough. Casinos use elaborate surveillance systems to monitor patrons and games. Cameras are installed in the ceiling and at every table to spot suspicious behavior. The video feeds are recorded for later review. The…


Map Slots to Abutterances

You can map multiple slots to utterances. First, open the slots tab and double-click a specific word or phrase to be mapped. A colored underline indicates the value of the selected word. You can edit this value by editing the…


The Basics of Poker

Poker is a family of card games that involves betting on the hands of other players. Each player tries to create the best hand using cards they have been dealt, or “hands”. Unlike other card games, which are based on…